LECTURE two days:
First day program:
- Direct restoration – pros and cons
- How to bypass the disadvantages of your composite and turn them into advantages?
- Composites science (types of materials, classifications, composition of composites)
- Principles of anterior tooth restoration, restoration techniques
- The author’s concept of using three silicone keys in restoration (superficial acquaintance with the technique) 3Keys-3DArchitecture
- Patient examination. At-risk groups. Treatment planning in relation to the initial clinical situation.
- Photo protocol.
- Selection of restoration color. Two techniques born of practice
- Occlusal preparation of the patient. Every restorer should know this
Second day:
- Mockup. Why do you need a preliminary layout of the future restoration? Morphology of anterior teeth
- Adhesive protocols. Generations of adhesives. Compound. To use or not to use a desensitizer and chlorhexidine?
- Detailed analysis of the author’s technique for restoring anterior teeth 3D Architecture
- Original finishing protocols for restoration processing, grinding and polishing (multi-brand and Kagayaki)
The third day:
Workshop from 10.00 to 18.00:
- Making silicone keys
- Dissection using silicone keys
- Adhesive preparation
- Layer-by-layer restoration of the central incisor
- Working with opaquers and paints
- Imitation of mamelons and halo effect
- Multi-stage finishing of the restoration
- Protocol for grinding/polishing a restoration
Lecturer – Denis Krutikov
Specialization: Restorative dentistry, orthopedic dentistry.
Clinical experience over 22 years.
- Silver Member in Style Italiano.
- Member of the American Society of Cosmetic Dentistry (ASCD).
- Member of the European Society of Aesthetic Dentistry.
- Member of the Russian Dental Society.
- Member of the National Academy of Implantology and Aesthetic Dentistry.
- Graduated from Samara State Medical University with a degree in orthopedic dentist.

Price of education:
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please contact us at the numbers provided.